What a week it’s been. First quarter of the year is done and dusted and now we’re firing into the second one! Wow! Are you keeping up lol? So a major theme has been popping up this week and it’s to do with women who are in their 50s [...]
Here’s my theme for the week - LOVE - giving and receiving to yourself and others Yeh we all know about it but so many struggle to embrace it wholeheartedly. Self love and self worth are the core of many of our issues So many of my clients are [...]
Your Holistically Fit Life focuses each week on improving aspects of people’s lives and shifting and lifting their energy around their minds, bodies and souls. PALM SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA, USA, May 30, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ -- Your Holistically Fit Life TV Program premieres on the Natural TV Channel and will be seen on Roku TV, it’s Tube [...]
Beyond Belief Publishing, a leading publisher of transformational and self-help books, is proud to announce the release of the 4th volume of the award-winning book series Navigating The Clickety-Clack: How to Live a Peace-Filled Life in a Seemingly Toxic World. This powerful collection of essays by award-winning authors, teachers, and [...]
Another week is nearly over and here we are in the middle of Feb. Well that has flown! So another common theme that arose this week is the idea of implementing a Circuit Breaker. As we are already 7 weeks into the year, some of us have taken a [...]
Now that we are into Feb, it’s a great opportunity to reflect back over Jan and see if anything in your life needs fine tuning. Great time for a tune up! I was working with a client today and we were both reflecting upon the importance of boundaries and [...]
As we near the end of another week, I’ve been reflecting upon the week that was. As always it’s been a week of learnings and the themes that surfaced were around respect, gratitude, responsibility and extremes. As I’ve said before, I fully believe this is a POWERFUL year but [...]
Here’s three things to help keep you on track and get stuff done this year . Pick one GOAL, WORD and SUPPORT WORD for the year! If you haven’t already done so - take a few minutes to do it!! I really encourage you to set a key GOAL [...]
What can you do differently? As we're starting to settle into this new year, I have been drip feeding myself back into work and study and next week will be relatively “back to normal”. Since the start of January I’ve been focusing on my own projects. It’s amazing how [...]
Let’s get this party started”!! Welcome to Jan 2023 and the theme this week is MOMENTUM!! I really feel this is a powerful year ahead and let's kick start it with some amazing energy and get the momentum building quickly. Imagine what we can achieve if we start off [...]
As 2022 draws to a close and we embark on a new journey forward into 2023, this is a wonderful time to reflect upon the past 12 months and to create a vision moving forward. I urge you to take the time over the next few days to really [...]
This week is all about TRUST and BELIEF and then taking it to the next level!! So I often talk about just letting go and stepping into TRUST. Trusting in yourself, trusting the process, just trusting full stop. Then the second part is BELIEF. Believing that anything is possible. [...]