How good would it feel to stress less?
Stress and anxiety can be such a debilitating strain on you both mentally and emotionally and so many people live with enormous stress every day. Stress can make you really sick.
Imagine a life where you didn’t have so much of it! Here’s a quick little exercise for you to try … Just for a moment close your eyes and imagine how it feels to have no stress at all – to have a peaceful mind and to be relaxed and happy. How does your body feel – can you feel your shoulders relax and your body let go of some of the stress it’s been hanging on to? How good does it feel!
One of the best ways to counteract stress is to be more present in the moment. Allow yourself to come back into the present moment and just be conscious of yourself here and now.
A lot of stress is about stuff that hasn’t even happened yet – projecting in a negative way about things in the future. You can’t control what happens in the future – only what happens in the now, in this present moment – and the only thing you can control is how you Think, Feel and Act / React in this moment in time.
So this weekend, why don’t you try letting go of your stress and worries and just allow yourself to be – to be still and peaceful in the moment. It’s such a good feeling and your body will love you for it!