Follow the energy …

That’s how I live my life these days.

I do what feels right and let go of the stuff that doesn’t.

A turning point for me in my life was watching Oprah’s last show on TV all those years ago.

I was cleaning up the kids rumpus room, and was about to turn the TV off when I noticed Oprah was standing on stage.  She had no guests and it was her closing moments of her show.  She said that if there was one thing she wanted to impart to people was to trust that little niggle inside – that little voice in your head. She said she lives her life that way and it has got her to where she is today. 

I thought – yeh – I get those niggles all the time but I generally ignore them because they don’t really make sense.

So from that day forward I am guided by my gut – from those little niggles inside.  I follow the energy and it has taken me on amazing journeys and experiences!

So my question to you is … Do you follow the energy?  Are you able to bypass your “logical” mind and be guided by your internal knowing – your intuition – your instinct?  Give it a go because your gut knows the way!! 

Enjoy your weekend and tune into your internal compass!!