How are you running your days, your business and your life?  Do you find you are spending more of your time on the “back foot” or the “front foot”?  Are you being reactive or proactive?

When we are on the back foot – we are often putting out “fires” and reacting to the issues at hand.  Often problem solving and sorting out bits n pieces – and we get caught up in the busy-ness which can lead to overwhelm and exhaustion.  Do you feel like you are chasing your tail and taking one step forward and going 3 steps back and never finding time to move forward? 

When you are the front foot – you stand more in your power – you are more in the drivers seat.  You have more control of where you are going and are more proactive with implementing changes and strategies.  This is where your productivity lies.

So – have a think about it.  Have you got balance in your days and business and life?  Where are you spending more of your time? – are you leaning on the back foot or  more on the front?

Are there any small changes you can make to have more balance?